Roleplaying Games I’ve Yet to Play (But Desperately Want To)

After the past week of taking a vacation and stressing over two Typhoons that decided to visit the country one after the other, I find myself struggling with something to write about.  I think this is just inertia at work, and my brain desperately needs to get warmed up before I can start churning out good articles again.

That said let’s do something quick and easy:  Lists!

And for today, let’s take a quick look at Games I’ve yet to play (but desperately want to):

  • Mage: the Awakening – But wait, pointyman, don’t you already run a Mage game?  Well yes, but I’m eager to actually be on the playing side of things for once.  I’ve had a chance to play the new Mage once before, but that wasn’t a very long campaign either.
  • Changeling: The Lost – Ever since I’ve had the chance to play Changeling: the Dreaming under (the now Canadian) Zugzugtheorc, I’ve fallen in love with the concept of changeling.  The new title’s excellent writing, provocative themes and sheer amount of awesome crammed into the book doesn’t hurt either.  For kicks, I might actually translate my old Sluagh from C:tD to C:tL to see how well it translates.
  • Geist: The Sin-Eaters – White Wolf’s latest intrigues me.  With a new kind of supernatural that hasn’t been done before (like Promethean), this “Storytelling Game of Second Chances” strikes me as a remarkably positive tone as opposed to the defaults of some of the others like Vampire: the Requiem.  Definitely something I’m curious to play.
  • Spellbound Kingdoms – I was intrigued when I first saw this game, and even now I find the ideas espoused to be original and possibly quite fun… now if only I can get someone to run it for me.
  • Deadlands Reloaded! – I’m a sucker for Westerns, and pulp supernatural stuff.  Deadlands is chock-full of both.  I’d play this at a drop of a hat.
  • Fantasy Craft – I’ve been all over the system up down and sideways of this game.  All I need now is a GM to come up with a good campaign setting, and I’ll have a character within hours.
  • HERO System Supers – 5th edition, Revised or 6th Edition, I don’t really mind either way.  The last time I’ve actually played in a Supers campaign was so long ago that I’ve forgotten most of the plot.  Time to rectify that situation.
  • Eclipse Phase – I don’t know a thing about the system of Eclipse Phase, but the idea of Troubleshooters for Transhumanity has my interest piqued.
  • 7th Sea – Talk about late to the party. This game came, conquered and went out of print long before this blog even started, but I’m still stoked to trying this game out.

Each and every one of these games offers something different, and something interesting for me as a player.  Each one of them inspires me to build characters (something that I might be doing again soon with more Play This Character! articles on the horizon.)


  1. Geist: the Sin-Eaters is, in my opinion, one of White Wolf’s greatest games EVER. I’m currently running a Geist chronicle, and everyone at my table is more than pleased with the concept and ideas behind the game, making playing this game very intriguing. Where other nWoD titles like Werewolf or Vampire are very focused on the interaction with your own kind and the very well-defined culture defined through millenia of history, Sin-Eaters meet all different sorts of (un)dead and are not oppressed by ages of social formalities and guidelines.

    So, as soon as you can grab the chance, run or hop into a game of Geist: the Sin-Eaters. You will NOT regret it…ever! 😉

    • Hey Trolltastictalk,

      Glad to hear that Giest: the Sin-Eaters is getting a lot of good reviews and positive feedback! I’m still making my way through the PDF copy that I have but it’s certainly a more… intimate game. With player characters being free to define what death means to them personally, and how they relate to it. I’m really looking forward to the day that I get to play (or if all else fails, run) it. 😀

  2. One of the things I really like about Changeling: The Lost is how readily material from Dreaming can be transported over. It encourages a level of cross-pollination you don’t find in the other nWoD games.

    • I completely agree with you, Tyler!

      Changeling: the Lost has some resistance from the other members of the gaming group who are a little hesitant to subscribe to the initial premise of the new changelings being victims of abuse rather than being “Born that way” like C:tD, but I’m certain that playing the game will really turn things around.

      Where’s my old Changeling GM when I need him?

  3. I’ve got a review of Eclipse Phase up on my blog. It’s an interesting setting, but I find the system a bit wonky (to each their own, however!) It’s worth the price of the book, certainly.

  4. Glad to hear you held out through the typhoons. Seems like a wish list of games to be played is a great distraction.

    Spellbound Kingdoms sounds very interesting!

    • I like it!

      There’s a whole bunch of mechanics that tie in very well to the character’s story, and their take on social combat is different, yet amusing. My favorite Social Combat rule thus far? Social Equipment. If a character is wearing a designer gown, gain a bonus. But if two characters happen to be wearing the exact same gown? Both are considered disarmed of that item for that encounter. :p

      • Ahh, i would love to see something like that happen. It shouldn’t be so difficult to adapt… Maybe Sorcery would be… to different in concept, if i remember correctly…Maybe using paths… (i feel as if paths were my answer to all kind of problems…i love paths in FC!)

        • Hey Aldus,

          Yeah, the closest thing we can get to the various sorceries of 7th Sea would be Paths or specific schools of magic. It’s a great mechanic, and I suspect that each type of sorcery in 7th sea might fall under a different Campaign Quality as well.

  5. Yep, CQ are the basic path to make the conversion. New ones for sorcey and the clever use of the existing ones to get the feeling of the 7th sea universe…Bold Heroes, Code of Honor (For Rose&Cross campaings) Iron Heroes and Triumphant Heroes come to mind…

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