Philippine Gamer in 2014

Hey everyone, now that I’ve finished my 12 Campaigns of Christmas (waaay to late into the new year) I’m going to be looking at what I can do this year in terms of this blog and my gaming hobby.

Fight Class

One of the bigger projects I’ve got right now is Fight Class, whose development stalled a bit due to the sheer amount of stuff that needed to be done over the holidays, but I’ll be getting back to it soon. As I mentioned before the rules are mostly done, and what I’m working on right now is a bit of the setting details. With any luck I should be able to get a quickstart document out early this quarter.

Reviews / Let’s Study series

I’m still planning to keep up with my reviews. I’ve had the good fortune to be able to review a lot of products as they come out and I’m looking forward to checking out even more games this year. I’m also looking to do more of my Let’s Study series on different games from other genres.


Here’s something I don’t do much in the blog, but hopefully I’ll be able to remedy this. With all sorts of good games coming out this year, I’ll see if I can score a few interviews with the creative teams responsible.

Advice / Tips

This year I’ll see if I can start blogging more on GMing and playing advice and tips. We’ve hit on the major topics already, communication, the need for everyone to view themselves as participants rather than opponents in an activity. There’s plenty of room for more things to talk about and I’ll be experimenting with my methods of running a game to see if something works.

Session Reports

I’ve been remiss in recording my sessions for my current L5R campaign due to work and other real life issues, but I’m looking to get back to recording my sessions as faithfully and regularly as possible. There’s a lot of merit to keeping track of your campaign, and I regret not being able to record them now that I’m about to finish the Unicorn Campign.

2014 is a year where I hope to get a lot of stuff done, and I’m planning to keep this blog very busy with everything from campaign ideas to tips and reviews. Here’s hoping that you’ll all still join me as we kick off another great year of gaming!

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